Before I begin, let me just say that I have no allegiance to Texas A&M or the University of Texas. I think they are both stellar institutes of higher learning. Several members of my family attend or attended both Universities, and while it makes our weddings, reunions, etc. very interesting, I personally have no preference. So please, take my prank for what it is, and don't barrage me with hate mail. Kay?
Ok, here we go!
My dad thinks he's an Aggie. He did not attend A&M yet he feels a strong allegiance to the school. Nothing illustrates it better than the guest room at his home. This room is AGGIE'd OUT! Maroon and white EVERYWHERE! A&M bedspread, curtains, pillow shams, bath rug, shower curtain, lamp, wall banners, etc. You get the idea.
A couple of weeks ago, Mike stayed with them while he attended a class for his chiropractor license. He came home, shook his head and said "We have to do something about his Aggie room. We have to get him!"
We totally did.
We bought a large number of vinyl UT Longhorn stickers and hid them EVERYWHERE. He will be looking for weeks. Stickers are under things, inside things!
About 30 minutes after we left, my dad called. We were expecting this. He said "Kathy went upstairs, and a minute later she called down and said 'Glynn, you need to come look at your Aggie room...'"
I will never tell him exactly how many stickers we hid in the room. I think we will just enjoy the paranoia!
Agnes Monica Aja Makan Q Pizza Masa Kamu Enggak
7 years ago
1 comment:
That was GREAT!!!
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